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发表于 2018-11-3 12:45:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一、        课程介绍

1.完成书上的词汇预习部分,这部分是口译的“热身”,同学们最好利用权威的工具书先把词汇部分翻译出来,如果直接在原文中找,时间是节省了,可是你也失去了自己动手动脑的机会,往往看了答案,第二天就忘记了。记住一句话:No pains, no gains. 轻易得来的东西,也很容易失去。
3. 复述完成后,立刻开始口译,译为目标语,建议同学们录音。录音的最大好处就是让同学们发现不足,比如说自己平时有口头禅的,不录音是发现不了的。同时,录音还可以告诉自己口译用了多少时间,一般来说,两句话的口译时间不要超过30秒,按照口译二阶段考试的停顿时间严格要求自己,考试的时候你才不会觉得时间不够用,一定要对自己狠一点。
5. 边听自己口译的录音,边核对课文中给出的参考答案,看看信息的再现度有没有70%以上。如果没有达到这一水平,请做记号,方便再次练习。对于自己口译时碰见的难点,可以再想想有没有一些化繁为简的办法。书上给出的译本往往太过书面化,记住口译最基本的技巧就是解释,事实上一些貌似复杂的表达也可以用我们掌握的4000个最基本的英文单词来口译。
6.  一单元练习完成后,对照每单元后面的句子精练,巩固本单元所学的内容。句子精练中所选出的句子,就是这一单元的精华,请同学们务必要熟练地口译这些句子。

中国美术馆是以收藏、研究、展示中国近现代至当代艺术家作品为重点的国家造型艺术博物馆,1958年开始兴建,1963年由毛泽东主席题写“中国美术馆”馆额并正式开放,是新中国成立以后的国家文化标志性建筑。主体大楼为仿古阁楼式,黄色琉璃瓦大屋顶,四周廊榭围绕,具有鲜明的民族建筑风格。主楼建筑面积18000多平方米 ,一至五层楼共有17个展览厅,展览总面积8300平方米;1995年新建现代化藏品库,面积4100平方米。
  中国美术馆现收藏各类美术作品10万余件,以19世纪末至今中国艺术名家和各时期代表作品为主,构成中国现代以来的美术发展序列,兼有部分古代书画和外国艺术作品,同时也包括丰富的民间美术作品。藏品中有任伯年、吴昌硕、黄宾虹、齐白石、徐悲鸿、刘海粟、蒋兆和、司徒乔、李可染、吴作人、叶浅予、董希文、罗工柳、吴冠中等艺术大家的作品; 1999年,德国收藏家路德维希夫妇捐赠外国美术作品117件,包括4幅毕加索的油画。
  建馆以来,中国美术馆已举办数千场具有影响的各类美术展览,反映了中国美术繁荣发展的态势,也成为中国与国际艺术交流的重要平台,每年观众达百万余人次。近年由我馆自主策划实施的大型展览有:“群珍荟萃——全国十大美术馆藏精品展”、“从延安走来——纪念毛泽东同志《讲话》发表70周年美术作品展”、“百年风云·壮志丹青——纪念辛亥革命100周年美术作品展”、“光辉历程·时代画卷 ——庆祝中国共产党成立九十周年美术作品大展”、“中国美术馆捐赠50年”、“国际新媒体艺术大展”等展览;在举办具有影响力的全国性展览外,影响较大的国际展览有:“从提香到戈雅——普拉多博物馆藏艺术珍品展”、“意大利艺术·意大利生活”、“美国艺术三百年:适应与革新”、“俄罗斯艺术300年——国立特列恰科夫美术博物馆珍品展”、“法国印象派绘画珍品展”、“仲夏法兰西——北京”、“奥地利国家博物馆藏品展”等展览都产生了广泛的社会影响。
The National Art Museum of China (NAMOC) is a national art museum of plastic arts dedicated to collection, research and exhibitions of modern and contemporary artistic works in China. Starting to be built in 1958, NAMOC, with its title board inscribed by Chairman Mao Zedong, was formally open to the public in 1963. NAMOC is a national cultural landmark after foundation of New China. The main building, roofed with yellow glazed tiles and surrounded by corridors and pavilions, features the styles of ancient Chinese attics and traditional architecture. The building, with 17 exhibition halls in its 5 stories, covers an area of more than 18,000 square meters. The museum boasts an exhibition area of 8,300 square meters. A modern collection storeroom founded in 1995 covers an area of 4,100 square meters.
The museum houses more than 100,000 pieces of various collections, most of which are representative works of different periods and great artworks of Chinese art masters from the end of the 19th century till today, constituting art development history since the beginning of modern China. Collections also include some ancient paintings and calligraphy works, foreign artistic works as well as plentiful folk art works. The museum collects works of many great artists such as Ren Bonian, Wu Changshuo, Huang Binhong, Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, Liu Haisu, Jiang Zhaohe, Situ Qiao, Li Keran, Wu Zuoren, Ye Qianyu, Dong Xiwen, Luo Gongliu and Wu Guanzhong. The museum also collects hundreds of foreign artistic works. German collectors Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ludwig donated 117 pieces of foreign works to NAMOC in 1999, including 4 oil paintings of Picasso.
The robust development of NAMOC benefits greatly from the support of the central government and the direct leadership of Ministry of Culture. The government established a special collection fund, which laid a solid foundation for the museum's collection of art treasure. Quite a few collectors and artists donated their collections to the State out of their social responsibility and strong belief in “art serving the people”, which contributes to rich collections of NAMOC. In recent years, the museum has constantly accepted donations from artists or their family members, including Li Pingfan, Liu Xun, Zhang Ding, Hua Junwu, Zao Wangyun, Tang Yihe, Hua Tianyou, Wen Lou, Wu Zuoren, Jin Shangyi, Wu Guanzhong, Li Qun and Qin Xuanfu.
Since its establishment, the museum has held thousands of various influential exhibitions, which not only reflect development and prosperity of Chinese art but also provide an important platform of artistic exchange between China and the world. The museum attracts over one million visitors each year. Large exhibitions,curated and organized independently by NAMOC, include “Selected Masterpieces from Ten Art Museums in China”, “Walking from Yan’an-Art Exhibition to Commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the Publishing of Comrade Mao Zedong’s Talks at the Yan'an Forum on Art and Literature”, “Century Development? Inspiring Painting -Arts Painting Exhibition for Centennial Anniversary of the Revolution of 1911”, “Glory Course ? Age Scene —Art Works to Celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the Foundation of CPC”, “Donations from the National Art Museum of China in the Past Five Decades”, “International New Media Art Exhibition” and so on. Apart from influential nation-wide exhibitions, influential international exhibitions are as follows: “From Titian To Goya— Great Masters of the Museo de Prado”, “Italian art—Italian life ”,“Art in America 300 Years–Adaptation and Innovation”, “300 Years of Russian Arts—National Terichekov Fine Arts Museum Masterpieces Exhibition”, “French Impressionism Masterpieces Exhibition”, “Midsummer France—Beijing”, "Collection Exhibition of Austrian National Museum" and so on . All these exhibitions have great impact on the society.
The museum has established itself as an important shrine of art, bringing aesthetic education to the people. In order to provide better cultural service for the public, NAMOC was the first museum in China to establish Public Education Department and to organize interns and volunteers to participate in public cultural education. Moreover, the museum enhances public education programs, innovates service and develops NAMOC into a cultural homeland. In recent years, through organizing various kinds of public education activities, the museum has directly served nearly one million visitors. In addition, to keep up with development of information technology, NAMOC focuses on expanding public service contents and means through its website and “digital museum” project. Over the past 9 years, the museum has upgraded its official website for 3 times and set up over 10 art databases, which have increasingly become a platform of releasing, searching and sharing art information, with which the public can appreciate artistic works, visit art exhibition, get to know art news and learn art knowledge.
In May 2002, the museum began to restore its main building. A variety of facilities have achieved the national top level after it was completed in May 2003, including exhibition hall facilities, lighting and illumination, building-automation, constant temperature and humidity control, fire control & alarm and security control system. To meet requirements of national cultural development, the construction of the new venue of NAMOC has received high attention from the government. At present, the international bidding for architectural design has finished and the design proposal is now being refined and optimized. All preparatory works are also underway.
NAMOC’s incumbent Director is Wu Weishan. Secretary of Party Committee is Zhang Shijun. Deputy Directors Xie Xiaofan, An Yuanyuan,Zhang Qing.

1.        Responsible for overall work of production line. Organize and supervise workers to carry out production task.负责生产线的全面工作.组织并督促生产人员全面完成生产任务.
2.        Assign production task according to company target, carry out the position responsibility and working standard. Enhance the contact of each workshop for work coordination. 根据公司目标下达生产任务, 贯彻落实岗位责任制和工作标准.加强各部门的工作联系和协作生产
3.        Check and complement each production related regulations, and supervise the execution accordingly.检查并适时补充生产相关各项管理制度,并监督执行情况.
4.        Reinforce production coordination, follow up production progress, make adjustment timely.强化生产调度管理, 跟踪生产情况, 根据需要及时作出调整,
5. Lead and coordinate team members to solve problems of incoming material, in process, personnel, environment, safety and so on.带领和协调相关人员分析、解决生产中发生的来料、制程、人员、环境、安全等异常事件。
6. Lead and cooperate production field, improve process, productivity and quality pass rate, reduce line stock and material wastage.主导和配合生产现场, 改善流程,提升生产效率、直通率,降低在线库存、物料损耗。
7. Supervise production operation based on regulations, organize workers to take part in safe production training, instruct production foreman to scout field and 5S implement.监督生产操作符合安全规范,组织人员参加安全培训,责成生产领班巡视现场5S执行情况。
8. Responsible for review of various production report, application form and material consulting list, analyze and measure off the adscription of failure.负责审核各项生产管理报表、领退料单据,会签物料征询单,分析和划分失败工时归属。

The basic feature of Chinese architecture is rectangular units of space joined together into a whole. Temples in ancient Greece also employed rectangular spaces,but the overall effect had austere tendencies. By contrast, the Chinese style combines rectangular shapes varying in size and position according to importance into an organic whole with each level and component clearly distinguished. As a result,traditional Chinese style buildings have an imposing yet dynamic exterior.
  Traditional Architecture
  Ancient Chinese architecture enjoys a long history and great achievements, and created many architectural miracles such as the Great Wall. In the process of its development, superior architectural techniques and artistic design were combined to make unique Chinese architecture one of the three greatest architectural systems.
  The combinations of units of space in traditional Chinese architecture follow the principles of balance and symmetry. The main structure is the axis, and the secondary structures are positioned as two wings on each side to form the main rooms and yard. Residences,official buildings,temples,and palaces all follow these basic principles. The distribution of interior space reflects Chinese social and ethical values. For instance,in traditional residential buildings, members of a family are assigned living quarters based on the family hierarchy. The master of the house occupies the main room, and the elder members of the master's family live in the compound in the back. The younger members of the family live in the wings to the left and right; those with seniority on the left and the others on the right.
  Another characteristic of traditional Chinese architecture is its use of a wooden structural frame with pillars,beams, and earthen walls surrounding the building on three sides. The main door and windows are in front. Chinese have used wood as a main construction material for thousands of years; wood to the Chinese represents life, and "life" is the main idea that Chinese culture strives to communicate. This feature has been preserved up to the present.
  Based on the structure of the wooden beams and pillars,traditional Chinese rectangular buildings are divided into several rooms. In order to cover the structure with an over-hanging roof, the Chinese invented a special type of support bracket, called which both supports the attractive ornamentation.
  Roofs usually slope down on both sides in a simple fashion. However, many traditional Chinese buildings have curved eaves. The characteristic curve of Chinese roofs is symbolic of the spirit of Chinese culture. While the building itself is relatively plain and straight forward,the ridge and eaves of the roof introduce a more intricate aspect in the form of upward-curving eaves. This is analogous to the Chinese national character which is by nature plain and straightforward but full of vitality.
  Three special architectural features resulted from the use of wood material. The first is that the depth and breadth of interior space is determined by the wooden structural frame. The second is the development of the technique of applying color lacquers to the structure to preserve the wood. These lacquers were made in brilliant,bold colors,and became one of the key identifying features of traditional Chinese architecture. Third is the technique of building a structure on a platform,to prevent damage from moisture. The height of the platform corresponds to the importance of the building. A high platform adds strength,sophistication,and stateliness to large buildings.
  Timber framework decides that colour is the main ornament used on ancient Chinese architecture. In the beginning,paint was used on wood for antisepsis while later painting became an architectural ornament. In the feudal society,the use of colour was restricted according to strict social status classification. Since yellow was deemed noblest colour and green the second,they were often applied on palace painting,which was called Hexicaihua (a kind of Chinese colour painting)in Chinese. The sundry color murals found on a traditional Chinese building range from outlines of dragons and phoenixes to depictions of myths to paintings of landscapes,flowers, and birds. Clearly these color murals have both symbolic and aesthetic significance. One notable architectural development in southern China,particularly in Taiwan,is fine wood sculpture. Such sculptures coupled with murals give the structure an elegant and florid effect under the background of white granite basement.
  Modern Architecture
  As with many other elements of the Chinese culture,tradition has been interwoven with modern technology. Although many traditional buildings still exist,almost all new buildings are built in Western style. it's not uncommon to see skyscrapers in a large city of China. Traditional houses,however, are still exquisitely built.

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