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发表于 2017-5-5 17:45:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1. Gothic novels are mostly stories of  which take place in some haunted or dilapidated Middle Age castles .
A. love and marriage
B. sea adventures
C. mystery and horror
D. saints and martyrs
标准资料: .5
2. The most original playwright of the Theater of Absurd is Samuel Beckett and his first play _______ is regarded as the most famous and influential play of the Theater of Absurd.
A. Waiting for Godot
B. Murder in the Cathedral
C. Too True to Be Good
D. Mrs. Warren’s Profession
标准资料: .5
3. Chaucer is called the founder of English realism because he portrays all the classes of English feudal society except_______
A. businessmen and scholars
B. nobles and serfs
C. plowmen and priests
D. knights and franklins
标准资料: .5
4. Frost took a ______ style in his poetry .
A. simple
B. complicated
C. modern
标准资料: .5
5. In his essay“of Studies,”Bacon Said:“Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and____.
A. Skimmed
B. perfected
C. imitated
D. digested
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6. The Rape of the Lock gives an account of a
A. bull fighting
B. knight duel
C. writer’s life
D. anecdote of the court
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7. Of the following poems  which is written by Poe ?
A. The Day of Doom
B. To Helen
C. To a Waterfowl
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8. ______ makes the climax of O‘Neill‘s literary career and the coming of age of American drama .
A. The Hairy Ape
B. Long Day‘s Journey into Night
C. The Iceman Cometh
标准资料: .5
9. After WWⅠ many disillusioned American writers and artists left for Paris and formed a small community . They were ______ .
A. emigrants
B. expatriates
C. immigrants
标准资料: .5
10. Dryen’s contribution to England literature lies in the following except
A. he established the heroic couplet as one of the principal English verse forms
B. he clarified the English prose
C. he raised the English literary criticism to a new level
D. he raised English comedy to a higher level
标准资料: .5
11. In Mark Twain’s The Adventures of huckleberry Finn Huck writes a letter to inform against Jim the escaped slave and then he tears the letter up. This fact reveals that .
A. Huck has a mixed feeling of love and hate
B. there is a conflict between society and conscience in Huck
C. Huck is always an indecisive person
D. Huck has very little education
标准资料: .5
12. It is alone who  for the first time in English literature presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life.
A. Geoffrey Chaucer
B. Martin Luther
C. William Langland
D. John Gower
标准资料: .5
13. &quot‘I believe you are made of stone‘he said clenching his fingers so hard that he broke the fragile cup. …‘You seem to forget‘ she said‘that cup is not!‘&quot From the above quoted passage we can find the woman‘s tone is very _______ .
A. sarcastic
B. amusing
C. sentimental
D. facetious
标准资料: .5
14. In Hardy‘s Wessex novels,there is an apparent____touch in his description of the simple though primitive rural life.
A. nostalgic
B. humorous
C. romantic
D. ironic
标准资料: .5
15. Shakespeare‘s comedies are composed of ______
A. ordinary people and clowns
B. knights and nobles
C. witches and prophets
D. shrews and princes
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16. In Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter “A” may stands for _______.
A. Adultery
B. Angel
C. Amiable
D. All the above
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17. Richardson was noted as storytelling  letter writer and a
A. critic
B. moralizer
C. poet
D. playwright
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18. In Hardy‘s Wessex novels there is an apparent _______ touch in his description of the simple and beautiful though primitive rural life.
A. humorous
B. romantic
C. nostalgic
D. sarcastic
标准资料: .5
19. Walt Whitman whose ______________ established him as the most popular American poet of the 19th century.
A. Leaves of Grass
B. Go Down Moses
C. The Marble Faun
D. As I Lay Dying
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20. “The Forsyte Saga” is a trilogy by _______.
A. John Galsworthy
B. Thomas Hardy
C. Charles Dickens
D. H. Lawrence
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21. &quotNot on thy sole but on thy soul harsh Jew/Thou mak‘st thy knife keen.&quot In the above quotation taken form The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare employs a(n)_______ .
A. oxymoron
B. pun
C. simile
D. synecdoche
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22. D.H.Lawrence’s works are modern because of their_______ .
A. modern skill in writing
B. modern publishing time
C. modern themes
D. modern appearance
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23. “The novel is structured around the discovery of the hero’s origin.” This novel is most probably .
A. Charles Dickens’s David Copperfield
B. James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
C. Thomas Hardy’s Far from the Madding Growd
D. Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones
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24. Romanticism extended from 1798 when Lyrical Ballads was published and in 1832 when
A. Austen died
B. Wordsworth died
C. Scott died
D. Shelley died
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25. The one who propose the storytelling in the Canterbury tales is
A. the poet
B. the knight
C. the boss
D. the pardoner
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26. For quite sometime after its appearance  Catch–22 was seen as a structural ______ despite its narrative power .
A. success
B. failure
C. miracle
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27. Dr. Faustus is a play based on the German legend of a magician aspiring for and finally meeting his tragic end as a result of selling his soul to the Devil.
A. immortality
B. political
C. money
D. knowledge
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28. In his masterpieces ______  Pound traces the rise and fall of eastern and western empires and the moral and social chaos of the modern world .
A. Make It New
B. The Cantos
C. Polite Essays
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29. The theme of Austen’ s novels can be expressed by the following except
A. marriage
B. love
C. domestic duty
D. personal growth
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30. We can perhaps describe the west wind in Shelley‘s poem &quotOde to the West Wind&quot with all the following terms except _______ .
A. tamed
B. swift
C. proud
D. wild
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31. Here are four lines from a long poem “Others for language all their care express / And value books as women men  for dress.” The poem must be
A. Thomas Gray’s “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”
B. John Milton’s Paradise Lost
C. Alexander Pope’s Essay on Criticism
D. Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream
标准资料: .5
32. As an autobiographical play O‘Neill‘s _______ (1956)has gained its status as a world classic and simultaneously marks the climax of his literary career and the coming of age of American drama.
A. The Iceman Cometh
B. Long Day‘s Journey Into Night
C. The Hairy Ape
D. Desire Under the Elms
标准资料: .5
33. Which of the following best describes the speaker of T.S.Eliot’s &quot The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock&quot?
A. He is an man of a action.
B. He is a man of apathy.
C. He is a man of passion.
D. He is a man of inactivity
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34. _______ is a typical feature of Swift‘s writings.
A. Bitter satire
B. Elegant style
C. Casual narration
D. Complicated sentence structure
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35. The first novel of Thomas Pynchon is ______ .
A. V.
B. The Crying of Lot 49
C. Entropy
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36. Romanticism shares the following common features except
A. imagination
B. intuition
C. restraint
D. natural sentiment
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37. (The)____was a progressive intellecrual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century.
A. Romandcism
B. Humanism
C. Enlightenment
D. Sentimentalism
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38. &quotMy Last Duchess&quot is a poem that best exemplifier Robert Browning’s ________.
A. sensitive ear for the sounds of the English language
B. excellent choice of words
C. mastering of the metrical devices
D. use of the dramatic monologue
标准资料: .5
39. &quotSo much the worse for me that I an strong. Do I want to live? What kind of living will it be when youoh God! Would you like to live with your soul in the grave?&quot In the above passage quoted from Emily Bronte‘s Wuthering Heights the word &quotsoul&quot apparently refers to _______ .
A. Heathcliff
B. Catherine
C. ghost
D. one‘s spiritual lift
标准资料: .5
40. All the qualities can be contributed to Portia except
A. nosy
B. cultured
C. courteous
D. kindhearted
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1. ______ makes the climax of O‘Neill‘s literary career and the coming of age of American drama .
A. The Hairy Ape
B. Long Day‘s Journey into Night
C. The Iceman Cometh
标准资料: .5
2. “Justice was done  and the president of the Immortals had ended his sport” is a part of the quotation from
A. The Forsyte Saga
B. Jude the Obscure
C. The picture of Dorian Gray
D. Tess of D’ Urbervilles
标准资料: .5
3. The one who propose the storytelling in the Canterbury tales is
A. the poet
B. the knight
C. the boss
D. the pardoner
标准资料: .5
4. “Come to me-come to me entirely now” said he  and added in his deepest tone speaking in my ear as his cheek was laid on mine “Make my happiness-I will make yours.” The above passage presents a scene in .
A. Emily Bronte’s Withering Heights
B. Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre
C. John Galsworthy′s The Forsyte Saga
D. Thomas Hardy′s Tess of the D′Urbervilles
标准资料: .5
5. A typical Forsyte,according to John Galsworthyis a man with a strong sense of ____,who never pays any attention to human feelings.
A. morality
B. justice
C. property
D. humor
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6. The one who translated Homer’s epics into English is
A. Shakespeare
B. Marlowe
C. Chapman
D. Sidney
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7. Dreiser‘s Trilogy of Desire includes three novels. They are The Financier The Titan and _______ .
A. The Genius
B. The Tycoon
C. The Stoic
D. The Giant
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8. ________ was written by Mark Twain in collaboration with Warner .
A. Jumping Frog
B. The Gilded Age
C. Roughing It
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9. Mark Twain‘s first book ______ appeared in 1865 .
A. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
B. Jumping Frog
C. Life on the Mississippi
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10. The giant Moby Dick may symbolize all except _______ .
A. mystery of the universe
B. sin of the whale
C. evil of the world
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11. As an autobiographical play O‘Neill‘s _______ (1956)has gained its status as a world classic and simultaneously marks the climax of his literary career and the coming of age of American drama.
A. The Iceman Cometh
B. Long Day‘s Journey Into Night
C. The Hairy Ape
D. Desire Under the Elms
标准资料: .5
12. In Hardy‘s Wessex novels there is an apparent _______ touch in his description of the simple and beautiful though primitive rural life.
A. humorous
B. romantic
C. nostalgic
D. sarcastic
标准资料: .5
13. Among the representatives of the Enlightenment who was the first to introduce rationalism to England ?
A. John Bunyan
B. Daniel Defoe
C. Alexander Pope
D. Jonathan Swift
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14. Of the below poets has not been awarded Poet Laureate.
A. William Wordsworth
B. Thomas Gray
C. Alfred Tennyson
D. Ben Jon son
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15. Which of the following best describes the nature of Thomas Hardy’s later works?
A. Sentimentalism.
B. Tragic sense.
C. Surrealism.
D. Comic sense.
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16. “The history of the world is the biography of the great men” can sum up the book
A. Heroes and Heroworship
B. The French Revolution
C. A Modern Comedy
D. Life of Schiller
标准资料: .5
17. Dryen’s contribution to England literature lies in the following except
A. he established the heroic couplet as one of the principal English verse forms
B. he clarified the English prose
C. he raised the English literary criticism to a new level
D. he raised English comedy to a higher level
标准资料: .5
18. In 1837 Ralph Waldo Emerson made a speech entitled _______ at Harvard which was hailed by Oliver Wendell Holmes as &quotOur intellectual Declaration of Independence.&quot
A. &quotNature&quot
B. &quotSelfReliance&quot
C. &quotDivinity School Address&quot
D. &quotThe American Scholar&quot
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19. The statement&quotStudies serve for delight,for ornament,and for ability”opens one of wellknown essays by____.
A. Francis Bacon
B. Samuel Johnson
C. Alexander Pope
D. Jonathan Swift
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20. Ode to The West Wind was written by _______
A. T.S Eliot
B. George Eliot
C. Ezra Pound
D. Shelley
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21. In which of the following works can you find the proper names “Lilliput” “Brobdingnag” “Houyhnhnm” and “Yahoo”?
A. James Joyce’s Ulsses.
B. Charles Dickens’s Bleak House.
C. Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels.
D. D. H. Lawrence’s Women in love.
标准资料: .5
22. “For I have known them all already known them all/Have known the evenings,mornings,afternoons/I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.”The abovelines are taken from____.
A. Wordsworth‘s“The Solitary Reaper”
B. Eliot‘s“The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock,”
C. Coleridge‘s“Kubla Khan”
D. Yeats‘s“The Lake Isle of lnnisfree”
标准资料: .5
23. Daisy Miller is written by ________.
A. Hawthorne
B. Twain
C. Melville
D. James
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24. Whose writings almost always use youth as major characters ?
A. Singer‘s
B. Salinger‘s
C. Vonnegut‘s
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25. The Elizabethan literature____________
A. had a marked unity and the feeling of patriotism and devotion to the queen.
B. witnessed a decline of degeneration
C. expressed age and sadness even the brightest hours were followed by gloom and pessimism.
D. was not romantic.
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26. In Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter “A” may stands for _______.
A. Adultery
B. Angel
C. Amiable
D. All the above
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27. Each of the professions listed below is correctly paired with Dickens except
A. novelist
B. clerk
C. reporter
D. dramatist
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28. ________ is famous for his international theme .
A. Howells
B. Mark Twain
C. Henry James
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29. The realists of the 18th century and those of the 19th century have the following in common except both of them
A. use the form of novel fully
B. present social and political events in details
C. indicate the broad social conflicts
D. describe the fate of individuals and of social classes
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30. Le More D’ Arthur is an important landmark in the development of English prose for its
A. lucid style
B. verbose style
C. complicate style
D. ornate style
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31. The sentence “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day ?” is the beginning line of one of Shakespeare’s .
A. comedies
B. tragedies
C. histories
D. sonnets
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32. Dr. Faustus is a play based on the German legend of a magician aspiring for and finally meeting his tragic end as a result of selling his soul to the Devil.
A. immortality
B. political
C. money
D. knowledge
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33. _______ believe that nature is ennobling and that the individual is important .
A. Puritans
B. realists
C. Transcendentalists
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34. In his poem“TygerTyger,”William Blake expresses his perception of the“fearful Symmetry”of the big cat.The phrase“fearful Symmetry”Suggests____.
A. the tiger‘s two eyes Which are dazzlingly bright and Symmetrically set
B. the poet‘s fear of the predator
C. the analogy of the hammer and the anvil
D. the harmony of the two opposte aspects of God’s creation
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35. Shakespeare‘s comedies are composed of ______
A. ordinary people and clowns
B. knights and nobles
C. witches and prophets
D. shrews and princes
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36. ____ believes that man’s fate is predeterminedly tragic driven by a combined force of “nature” both inside and outside.
A. Charles Dickens
B. Thomas Hardy
C. Bernard Shaw
D. George Eliot
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37. Who first used the term ‘‘ Beat Generation ‘‘ ?
A. Ginsberg
B. Mailer
C. Kerouac
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38. Dramatic monologue was created by the author who wrote
A. Crossing the Bar
B. Ode to the West Wind
C. The Ring and the Book
D. Jude the Obscure
标准资料: .5
39. It is alone who  for the first time in English literature presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life.
A. Geoffrey Chaucer
B. Martin Luther
C. William Langland
D. John Gower
标准资料: .5
40. Naturalism is evolved from realism when the author‘s tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more _______ .
A. rational
B. humorous
C. optimistic
D. pessimistic
标准资料: .5

东北师范 英美文学 在线作业



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