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基于PCA-Entropy TOPSIS的甘薯品种块根质构品质评价









发表于 2021-12-22 12:33:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
基于PCA-Entropy TOPSIS的甘薯品种块根质构品质评价

(浙江农林大学农业与食品科学学院/浙江省农产品品质改良重点实验室,杭州 311300)

摘要:【目的】质构品质是甘薯块根品质评价的重要指标,直接影响其鲜食和产后加工。质构品质评价是甘薯综合利用过程和品质育种的重要环节。完善甘薯块根质构品质评价体系,为其利用和育种提供参考。【方法】应用物性分析仪质地多面分析法对45个甘薯品种块根的硬度、黏附性、内聚性、弹性、胶黏性和咀嚼性进行测定,分析各质构参数间的相关性,采用主成分分析确定各个参数权重,并结合TOPSIS法对45个甘薯品种块根的质构品质进行综合评价。【结果】45个甘薯品种的质构参数均有一定差异,咀嚼性和黏附性变异系数较大,分别为35.23%和49.15%。咀嚼性变化范围为60.30—284.66 N,平均为149.29 N,浙薯13的咀嚼性最大,为284.66 N,166-7和龙薯14的咀嚼性较小,分别为60.30和77.28 N;黏附性变化范围为-10.4—-0.80 J,平均为-4.71 J,龙薯31的黏附性最大,为-1.34 J,冀紫薯2号和普薯32的黏附性较小,分别为-9.34和-10.40 J。内聚性和弹性的变异系数较小,分别为14.27%和15.75%。内聚性变化范围为0.15—0.28,平均为0.21,商薯19的内聚性最大,为0.28,红皮白心的内聚性最小,为0.15;弹性变化范围为5.01—8.93 mm,平均为6.59 mm,西农431的弹性最大,为8.93 mm,166-7的弹性最小,为5.01 mm。胶黏性变异系数为23.84%,变化范围为11.97—32.78 N,平均为22.20 N,普薯32的胶黏性最大,为32.78 N,166-7的胶黏性最小,为11.97 N;硬度变异系数为19.47%,变化范围为59.79—143.41 N,平均为105 N,绵粉1号、商徐紫1号和苏薯29的块根硬度大于140.00 N,166-7的块根硬度最小,为59.79 N。相关性分析表明,块根硬度与胶黏性、咀嚼性均呈极显著正相关,胶黏性与咀嚼性呈极显著正相关,内聚性与弹性、胶黏性、咀嚼性均呈极显著正相关,弹性与胶黏性、咀嚼性均呈极显著正相关。6个质构参数经主成分分析,被提取的3个主成分累计方差贡献率达94.674%,硬度、黏附性、内聚性、弹性、胶黏性和咀嚼性的权重分别为0.121、0.161、0.102、0.232、0.162和0.223。【结论】明确了淀粉型甘薯质构品质优良的品种为龙薯31、商薯19和冀薯982;鲜食型甘薯质构品质优良的品种为苏薯16、紫罗兰和徐薯32。


0 引言
【研究意义】甘薯(Ipomoea batatas(L.) Lam)是继小麦、水稻、玉米、马铃薯、大麦和木薯之后世界排名第七的粮食作物[1],具有产量高、稳产性好、耐瘠薄等优点,可在多种生态环境下种植,种植地遍布世界100多个国家,年总产量约1亿吨[2]。与大多数块根、块茎作物相比,甘薯具有丰富的营养价值、特殊的风味和质构特性,是胡萝卜素、维生素、膳食纤维、淀粉等的极好来源[3-4]。随着中国薯类主粮化战略的实施,作为鲜食和休闲食品加工的甘薯比例将不断提高[5]。甘薯加工特性和品质的影响因素众多,质构品质作为品质评价的重要指标,直接影响甘薯块根鲜食和产后加工适应性[6-7]。质构品质是一个复杂的性状,由硬度、咀嚼性、黏附性、弹性等多种参数表示[7],甘薯质构品质评价需采用多指标综合评价的方法。【前人研究进展】多指标综合评价的方法很多,国内外学者对此进行了大量研究,例如层次分析法(the analytic hierarchy process,AHP)、模糊综合评价法(fuzzy comprehensive evaluation,FCH)、主成分分析法(principal component analysis,PCA)等数理统计方法[8-11]。最近,逼近理想解排序法(technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution,TOPSIS)广泛应用于有限方案多目标决策和多指标综合评价等方面,降低了分析过程中多指标对评价的干扰,提高了评价的科学性与准确性,其特点是专家确定指标权重,把每一个指标都量化为可比较的规范化标准,且对每一指标都找出其理想解和负理想解,能详细地比较各指标间的差异,使品种的综合性状这一模糊指标量化为该品种对理想解的相对接近度,为育种者提供量化标准,从而全面地反映品种的优劣[12]。徐小万等[13]应用TOPSIS法对不同辣椒品种耐高温多湿性进行了评价,表明评价结果与田间实际结果基本一致,该方法操作简单,便于实际应用。ZHOU等[14]应用TOPSIS法对原始牡丹皮品质构建了评价模型,表明模型评价与客观评价的品质结果一致,该法可靠、稳定。【本研究切入点】目前,TOPSIS法在甘薯品质评价方面的应用仍鲜见报道,且该方法中的主观赋权法易受个人偏好影响,主观随意性较大。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究选取中国45个重要的甘薯品种,应用质地多面分析(texture profile analysis,TPA)法测定其质构参数(硬度、黏附性、内聚性、弹性、胶黏性和咀嚼性),分析各质构参数之间的相关性,采用TOPSIS法结合主成分分析确定熵值法(PCA-Entropy),对45个甘薯品种的质构品质进行综合评价,旨在为甘薯质构品质评价提供客观、科学的技术,进一步完善甘薯质构品质评价体系,为选育优质的甘薯品种及综合利用提供依据。

1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料

1.2 试验方法
采用物性分析仪(美国FTC公司型号为TMS-PRO)参考Alessandrini等[15]方法在甘薯块根上进行TPA测试。在整薯中部切取1 cm厚的圆片,采用物性分析仪P/5圆柱形探头(直径5 mm)在圆片的赤道部位进行TPA试验,由质构特征曲线得到薯块硬度、黏附性、内聚性、弹性、胶黏性和咀嚼性等参数。







测试参数为测试前速度30 mm·min-1,测试速度60 mm·min-1,测试后速度90 mm·min-1,压缩比50%,2次停顿时间为5 s,触发力0.2 N。每个薯块测定一次,每个品种重复测定15次。

1.3 TOPSIS的计算方法

A=width=62.3,height=44.15 (1)

Zij=width=269.45,height=61.95 (2)



Rij=WjZij (3)

式中,Wj是第j个指标的权重(i=1,2,…,m;j= 1,2,…,n)。


Fj=width=76.3,height=17.15 (4)

width=72.55,height=38.5(j=1,2,…,n) (5)

Wj=width=46.8,height=19.45(j=1,2,…,n) (6)


Xi+ =(X1+,X2+,… … Xn+),其中Xi+ = max(Rij)(7)

Xi- =(X1-,X2-,… … Xn-),其中Xi- = min(Rij)(8)


width=96.75,height=23.25 (9)
width=95.35,height=23.1 (10)


width=73.8,height=15.4,Ci∈[0,1](i=1,2,…,m) (11)
1.4 数据处理
试验数据以平均值±标准差表示,平均值为每个品种15次重复数据的平均值。采用IBM.SPSS Statistics 19.0对质构参数进行相关性分析和主成分分析。

2 结果
2.1 不同甘薯品种TPA测试质构参数及其相关性
由表1可知,甘薯块根硬度范围为59.79—143.41 N,平均为105.00 N,变异系数为19.47%,其中,块根硬度大于140.00 N的品种有绵粉1号、商徐紫1号和苏薯29,分别为143.41、140.14和142.25 N;166-7、红香蕉、宁薯10号和豫薯10号的块根硬度小于80.00 N,分别为59.79、78.72、71.35和77.86 N。

甘薯块根的黏附性为-10.4—-0.80 J,平均为-4.71 J,变异系数为49.15%,黏附性大于-2.00 J的品种有4个,分别为龙薯31(-1.34 J)、商薯8号(-1.46 J)、湘薯98(-1.27 J)和浙薯13(-0.80 J);黏附性小于-9.00 J的品种有冀紫薯2号(-9.34 J)和普薯32(-10.40 J)。


甘薯块根弹性为5.01—8.93 mm,平均为6.59 mm,变异系数为15.75%,块根弹性大于8 mm的品种有6个,分别为南薯007(8.78 mm)、商薯8号(8.81 mm)、西农431(8.93 mm)、湘薯98(8.92 mm)、浙薯13(8.89 mm)和浙紫薯1号(8.52 mm);166-7的块根弹性最小,为5.01 mm。

甘薯块根胶黏性为11.97—32.78 N,平均为22.20 N,变异系数为23.84%,其中,胶黏性超过30 N的品种有普薯32、秦紫2号、浙薯13和浙紫薯1号,分别为32.78、30.33、32.03和30.63 N;胶黏性小于15 N的品种有3个,分别为166-7(11.97 N)、红皮白心(14.26 N)和龙薯14(14.16 N)。

甘薯块根咀嚼性为60.30—284.66 N,平均为149.29 N,变异系数为35.23%,咀嚼性大于250.00 N的品种有4个,分别为商薯8号(255.61 N)、湘薯98(261.86 N)、浙薯13(284.66 N)和浙紫薯1号(260.41 N);咀嚼性小于100.00 N的有166-7(60.30 N)、红皮白心(91.76 N)、龙薯14(77.28 N)、龙薯515(96.68 N)和宁薯10号(85.61 N)。


2.2 TOPSIS分析
2.2.1 主成分分析确定各参数权重 由表3可知,将45个甘薯品种的6个质构参数转化为6个主成分,根据各主成分的特征值和方差贡献率进行主成分提取,前3个主成分的累积方差贡献率达94.674%,能代表所有参数的绝大部分信息。第一主成分的特征值为3.378,方差贡献率为56.303%;第二主成分的特征值为1.246,方差贡献率为20.766%;第三主成分的特征值为1.056,方差贡献率为17.605%。



2.2.2 建立加权的规范化决策矩阵R、计算相对接近度Ci值 由表5和表6可知,决策矩阵R中各品种的理想解Xi+为0.1188、0.1560、0.0923、0.2288、0.1590和0.2167;负理想解Xi-均为0。

表1 不同甘薯品种块根TPA试验质构参数

Table 1 Textural parameters of different sweetpotato cultivars in TPA test

表2 不同甘薯品种块根TPA质构参数相关性

Table 2 Correlation among textural parameters of the TPA test on different sweetpotato cultivars

*表示P<0.05显著水平,**表示P<0.01极显著水平*and**indicate significant linear correlation of 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively

表3 主成分的特征值、方差贡献率和累计方差贡献率

Table 3 Eigenvalue, variance contribution rate and cumulative variance contribution rate of principal components

表4 质构参数的载荷向量及权重

Table 4 Eigenvectors and evaluate weight of textural parameters in sweetpotato

表5 淀粉型甘薯TOPSIS决策矩阵R和分析结果

Table 5 The decision-making matrix R and analysis results of TOPSIS

表6 鲜食型甘薯TOPSIS决策矩阵R和分析结果

Table 6 The decision-making matrix R and analysis results of TOPSIS


3 讨论




4 结论


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Evaluation of Texture Quality of Sweetpotato storage roots Based on PCA-Entropy TOPSIS
LI Ling, XU Shu, CAO RuXia, CHEN LingLing, CUI Peng, Lü ZunFu, LU GuoQuan

(College of Agriculture and Food Science, Zhejiang A&F University/The Key Laboratory for Quality Improvement of Agricultural Products of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 311300)

Abstract: 【Objective】Texture quality are important indicators for the evaluation of sweetpotato root quality, which directly affects its fresh food and post-harvest processing. Texture quality evaluation is not only an important procedure of sweetpotato variety breeding and comprehensive utilization, but also to provide an important reference for sweetpotato breeding and its utilization.【Method】Texture qualities (hardness、adhesiveness, cohesiveness, springiness, gumminess, and chewiness) of 45 sweetpotato varieties were analyzed with texture profile analysis method by using texture analyzer, and the correlation among the texture parameters was analyzed. The weight index of each parameter was determined by principal component analysis, and the texture quality of 45 sweetpotato tubers was evaluated by TOPSIS.【Result】The results showed that textural parameters of 45 sweetpotato varieties were different from each other. The variation coefficient of chewiness and adhesiveness were 35.23% and 49.15%, respectively. Chewiness ranged from 60.30 to 284.66 N, with an average values of 149.29 N. Zheshu 13 has the maximum value of 284.66 N, while 166-7 and Longshu 14 have the minimum values of 60.30 N, 77.28 N, respectively. Adhesiveness ranged from -10.40 to -0.80 J, with an average value of -4.71 J. Longshu 31 has maximum value of -1.34 J, while Jizishu 2 and Pushu 32 have minimum values of -9.34 J, -10.40 J, respectively. The variation coefficient of cohesiveness and springiness were 14.27% and 15.75%, respectively. Cohesiveness ranged from 0.15 to 0.28, with an average value of 0.21. Shangshu 19 has maximum value of 0.28, while Hongpibaixin has minimum value of 0.15. Springiness ranged from 5.01 to 8.93 mm, with an average value of 6.59 mm. Xinong 431 has the maximum value of 8.93 mm, while 166-7 has the minimum value of 5.01 mm. The variation coefficient of hardness and gumminess were 19.47% and 23.84%, respectively. Gumminess ranged from 11.97 to 32.78 N, with an average value of 22.20 N. Pushu 32 has maximum value of 32.78 N, while 166-7 has minimum value of 11.97 N. Hardness ranged from 59.79 to 143.41 N, with an average value of 105 N. The value of Mianfen 1, Shangxuzi 1 and Sushu29 was more than 140.00 N, and 166-7 has minimum value of 59.79 N. Correlation analysis showed that hardness was significantly positively correlated with gumminess and chewiness. Gumminess had significant positively correlation with chewiness. Cohesiveness was significantly positively correlated with springiness, gumminess, and chewiness. Springiness had significant positive correlation with gumminess and chewiness. Six texture parameters were analyzed by principal component analysis method. The cumulative variance contribution rate of the three principal components was 94.674%. The weight index of hardness, adhesiveness, cohesion, elasticity, adhesiveness and mastication were 0.121, 0.161, 0.102, 0.232, 0.162 and 0.223, respectively.【Conclusion】According to the comprehensive evaluation, starch-type sweetpotato varieties with better texture quality were Longshu 31, Shangshu 19 and Qishu 982. Fresh-type sweetpotato varieties with better texture quality were Sushu 16, Ziluolan and Xushu32.

Key words: sweetpotato; texture profile analysis; correlation; PCA-Entropy; TOPSIS

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