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福师 《高级英语阅读(一)》第八章 拓展资源









发表于 2021-2-5 17:30:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
福师 《高级英语阅读(一)》第八章        拓展资源
World Environment Day(世界环境日)
World Environment Day (WED) was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment.
Commemorated yearly on 5 June, WED is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action. The day's agenda is to:
Give a human face to environmental issues;
Empower people to become active agents of sustainable and equitable development;
Promote an understanding that communities are pivotal to changing attitudes towards environmental issues;
Advocate partnership which will ensure all nations and peoples enjoy a safer and more prosperous future.
The theme for WED 2009 is 'Your Planet Needs You-UNite to Combat Climate Change'. It reflects the urgency for nations to agree on a new deal at the crucial climate convention meeting in Copenhagen some 180 days later in the year, and the links with overcoming poverty and improved management of forests.
This year’s host is Mexico which reflects the growing role of the Latin American country in the fight against climate change, including its growing participation in the carbon markets.
Mexico is also a leading partner in UNEP's Billion Tree Campaign. The country, with the support of its President and people, has spearheaded the pledging and planting of some 25 per cent of the trees under the campaign. Accounting for around 1.5 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, the country is demonstrating its commitment to climate change on several fronts.
Mexican President Felipe Calderon states that the WED celebration will “further underline Mexico's determination to manage natural resources and deal with the most demanding challenge of the 21st century – climate change.”关于地球环境日
世界环境日, 设立于每年6月5日,是联合国最重要的纪念日之一,旨为提高世界人们的环保意识和增强政治上的影响力。
2009年世界环境日的主题是:“你的地球需要你 – 联合国际力量,应对气候变化”。这反映了各国在180天后举行的关键气候协商会议上共同达成新政的紧迫性,及体现了解决贫困问题和提高森林管理的内在联系。
墨西哥同样也是环境署“十亿棵树”项目的积极参与方。从总统到平民的支持使得这个国家承诺且种植了高达全球目标25% 的树木。墨西哥也对其占全球的1.5%的温室气体排放做出应对气候变化承诺。
墨西哥总统 Felipe Calderon表示世界环境日的庆典活动将“更进一步表达出墨西哥管理自然资源和应对21世纪最大挑战之一——气候变化的决心”。
语法  拓展 一、使用全部倒装的情况
??? 1.在there be/lie/stand/live/seem/appear/exist/come/go/seem句型中。如:
???? There goes the ambulance.救护车来了。
??? 2.表示地点、方向、时间的副词(here, out, in,up, down, back off, away, now, then等)位于句首时。谓语动词多为表示运动的不及物动词(go, come, leave, move, run, rush, ny, jump等)。如:
??? Here is a telegram for you.这儿有你一封电报。
??? Down jumped the man from the horse.那人从马上跳下来。
??? 在上述情况中,主语是代词时,则不用倒装。如:
??????? Here you are.给你。
??? In he came and the meeting began.他进来,会议就开始了。
??? 3.表示地点的介词短语位于句首时。如:
??? Between the two buildings stands a tall pine.两座楼之间有棵大松树。
?? 4.直接引语的部分或全部位于句首时,点明说话人的部分主谓语要倒装。如:
??? "Are you listening to English on the radio?" said Mother.
??? 但,引述动词后有间接宾语或状语时,不倒装。如:
?? 5.在某些表示祝愿的句子中。如:
??? Long live our great country!伟大的祖国万岁!二、使用部分倒装的情况
??? 1.only修饰的状语(副词、介词短语或状语从句)位于句首时。如:
??? Only after three operations was he able to walk without sticks.做过三次手术之后,他才能不用拐杖行走。
??? Only with more practice can you pass the driving test.只有多练习你才能通过驾驶考试。
??? 但only修饰主语时,则不倒装。如:
??? Only that girl knew how to work out the problem.只有那位女生知道怎样解那道题。
??? 2.含有否定意义的副词(never, seldom, little, few, not, nowhere等)位于句首时。如:
??? Seldom in all my life have l met such a brave man.我一生很少见过这么勇敢的人。
??? Never did she care about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself.虽然她处于极大的危险之中,但她根本不顾自己的安全。
??? 3.not until位于句首时。如:
??? Not until the early years of the 19th century did man know what heat is.直到19世纪初,人们才知道热是何物。
??? 在复合句中,只有主句用倒装,until引导的从句不倒装。如:
??? Not until he loses his health will he give up drinking.他直到失去健康才会戒酒。
??? 4.在no sooner...than..., hardly/scarccly/barely...when...结构中,前面部分位于句首时,其后的分句要部分倒装(谓语用过去完成时)。如:
??? Hardly had the baby seenthe dogwhen she cried.那女婴一看到狗就哭了起来。
??? NO sooner had the interpreter returned home than he was told to go to another country.那位翻译刚踏进国门就又受命要去他国。
??? 5.not only...(but also)...位于句首引导两个分句时,前一个分句中的主谓要采用部分倒装,第二个分句则不倒装。如:
??? Not only does he teach in school, but hewrites novels.他不但在学校教书,而且还写小说。
??? Not only did she speak correctly, but also she spoke fluently.她不但说得正确,而且说得流利。
??? 6.so/neither/nor开头的句子,说明前面的内容也适用于后者时,用倒装句“so/neither/nor+be/have/助动词/情态动词+主语”。如:
??? She hasbeen to Dalian and so have I.她去过大连,我也去过。
??? John can't speak Japanese, nor can Helen.约翰不会讲日语,海伦也不会。
??? 但同意对方的看法,表示“是的、确实”之意时,用“so+主语+be/have/助动词/情态动词”句式,即主谓不倒装。目前考查这种句式的省份较多。如:
??? —Maggie had a wonderful time at the pany.
??? —_______________, and so did I.
??? A. So she had  B. So had she
??? C. So she did  D. So did she
??? (05安徽)
??? 7.as/thoush引导让步状语从句时,可将谓语部分的形容词/名词/动词等提到句首,采用部分倒装。如果位于句首的是单数可数名词,其前不加冠词。如:
??? Brave as they were, the danger made them afraid.尽管他们很勇敢,但这样的危险仍使他们感到畏惧。
??? 8.在so/such...that...结构中,so/such及其修饰部分位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。如:
??? So beautiful was the girl that she won the championship in the beauty contest.那女孩那么漂亮,她在选美比赛中获得冠军。
??? Such an instructive speech did he make that all the listeners were moved.他发表的演说那么有教育意义,以至于所有的听众都很感动。
??? 9.在含有were/had/should虚拟条件句中,省去if,把这三个词放在句首时。如:
??? Were she here now(=If she were here now), she would take good care of her parents.如果她现在在这儿,她就能照顾她的父母了。
??? Had you attended the graduate ceremony(=If you had attended the graduate ceremony), I should haveseen you.要是你参加了毕业典礼,我就会见到你了。
??? 10.在某些表示祝愿的句子中。如:
??? May you be happy!祝你幸福!  本内容由奥鹏易百网整理发布
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