一、Qualities of a good composition
A good composition in English has certain qualities: it is unified in the relationships among its sentences and paragraphs; it is coherent in the organization and disposition of its material; it is appropriately emphatic. In addition, it has an element of originality, and a degree of distinction in style.
A good composition creates a clear impression of unity by presenting a single central idea when addressed to chiefly to the reader's intellect and, if to his emotions, a single dominant effect. Every paragraph, every sentence fits organically into the pattern of the whole, i.e. all parts are functional. There is no irrelevant or superfluous elements, no padding, nothing which does not contribute to a purpose the over-all purpose of the whole. A good criterion of unity is whether the central idea or dominant effect can be stated, or characterized in a single sentence.
三、Outline of a complete composition
1、Types of outlines
Topic outline (phrases)
Sentence outline (sentences)
2、Structure of an outline
Thematic statement (a complete sentence)
3、Five-paragraph strategy
1)Introduction (thesis / controlling idea)
2)Body (main idea)
a) sub-idea
b) sub-idea
c) sub-idea
4、Model outlines
四、Editing of Body
The body is the main part of a composition. It follows the chronological or logical order of the outline with separate paragraphs for each subtitle. If necessary in a longer composition, a subtitle can take up more than one paragraph to fully develop the sub-idea involved. The paragraphs in the body part are to be balanced in importance.
五、Furnishing a Conclusion
The concluding paragraph is short but forceful. It is made up of a restatement of the thesis statement in the Introduction and an echoing summary of the points that have been discussed in the Body.
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