1. Structural speaking activities are designed to practice _____ in oral production.
A. words
B. sounds
C. pronunciation
D. grammar
标准资料: 满分:3
2. In order to accomplish the shared goals team members should have____qualities.
A. cooperate
B. cooperative
C. cooperation
D. cooperator
标准资料: 满分:3
3. ____ means diagnosing a problem in a specific context and attempting to solve it in that context according to Cohen and Masion..
A. Being situational
B. Being collaborative
C. Being participatory
D. Being selfevaluative
标准资料: 满分:3
4. In order to reach desired aims the teacher needs to make efforts to explore and different means.
A. employs
B. employed
C. employ
D. employing
标准资料: 满分:3
5. Learning by doing encourages students to experience the language which is a process of _____that leads to high level of proficiency.
A. acquisition
B. instruction
C. experience
D. neglecting
标准资料: 满分:3
6. According to the theory of the Oral Approach and Situational Language teaching is _____.
A. Marxism
B. postmodernism
C. deconstructionist
D. structuralism
标准资料: 满分:3
7. Written discourse is____in expression while spoken discourse has a feature of redundancy.
A. dense
B. loose
C. density
D. looseness
标准资料: 满分:3
8. Learning by doing encourages students to experience the language which is a process of ______ that leads to high level of proficiency.
A. acquisition
B. instruction
C. experience
D. neglecting
标准资料: 满分:3
9. According to the Direct Method the medium of instruction is the target language only. Learning contents are vocabulary and sentences used in______ communications.
A. daily
B. oral
C. body
D. language
标准资料: 满分:3
10. Disguised canceling Teachers assign the unwanted parts as homework or selfstudy assignment and provides answer key in the next class. This way of adapting the textbook could be called ____
A. canceling
B. disguised canceling
C. creating unpredictability
D. replacing adding
标准资料: 满分:3
2 多选题
1. The characteristics of the Suggestopedia include .
A. the decoration of the classroom
B. furniture and other arrangements
C. the use of music
D. authoritative role of the teacher
标准资料: 满分:3
2. The following _____ contain closed syllables.
A. latter
B. hoe
C. sister
D. later
标准资料: 满分:3
3. If the teacher adopts Grammar Translation Method he/she will focus on in teaching.
A. reading
B. speaking
C. writing
D. listening
标准资料: 满分:3
4. The suggestions for vocabulary teaching are _____ .
A. Teaching vocabulary in context Careful use of Chinese equivalents
B. Using reading to extend vocabulary Encouraging using English
C. Focusing more on knowledge of the vocabulary
D. Making use of “unplanned” vocabulary teaching Developing efficient learning strategies
标准资料: 满分:3
5. Suggestions for teaching reading include ____
A. Language input
B. Don’t ignore reading for meaning
C. Tolerance with ambiguity
D. Use other skills in teaching
标准资料: 满分:3
6. Syllabus is kind of contract between ____ .
A. the department
B. the instructor
C. the students
D. the society
标准资料: 满分:3
7. For the ways of listening there are two kinds of processes _____.
A. topup
B. topdown
C. bottomup
D. bottomdown
标准资料: 满分:3
8. The following ______are the summarized features of Dewey’s concepts of reflection.
A. Reflection is a chain of thinking
B. Problems are the base of reflection
C. Reflective thinking impels to inquiry
D. Reflection requires positive attitudes skills of reasoning and ordering
标准资料: 满分:3
9. According to Penny Urprocess items of a syllabus are about ____
A. plans
B. ideas
C. tasks
D. methods
标准资料: 满分:3
10. According to the Silent Way learning is promoted through _____
A. selfdiscovery
B. relating thinking
C. experiencing by using physical objects
D. problem solving
标准资料: 满分:3
3 判断题
1. In Hedge’s view writing is the result of employing strategies to manage the composing process which is one of gradually developing a text.
A. 错误
B. 正确
2. According to the Community Language Learning the teacher is a judge rather than a knower or a supporter.
A. 错误
B. 正确
3. Grammar can guarantee accuracy in speaking and writing the language.
A. 错误
B. 正确
4. Experiential learning activities are of great value to promote reflection by going through the different stages of the cycle.
A. 错误
B. 正确
5. Breath is not necessary when people produce vowel sounds and consonant sounds in English language.
A. 错误
B. 正确
6. What is crucial of placement tests is not their purpose but their content.
A. 错误
B. 正确
7. Final achievement tests are done throughout the course.
A. 错误
B. 正确
8. According to the Audiolingual Method the native language is used in classroom instruction in presenting and explaining the target language and comparing the similarities and differences between the native language and the target language.
A. 错误
B. 正确
9. Factual and social and cultural information is helpful in listening comprehension.
A. 错误
B. 正确
10. The teacher values accuracy a lot especially pronunciation and grammar if he/she uses the Direct Method.
A. 错误
B. 正确
11. The potential for improving listening ability is students’ autonomous listening after class.
A. 错误
B. 正确
12. According to Skehan the process of listening comprehension is about auditory perception of information received through the ears and requires a listener to detect different kinds of acoustic signals and understand them as meaningful chunks of language.
A. 错误
B. 正确
13. Intonation is something that can be dealt with immediately and can have immediate achievement while correct pronunciation is a longterm process.
A. 错误
B. 正确
14. The suggested content of students’ record can include students’ identity date of birth home address educational background previous English learning studies future intentions description of her learning and classroom behavior some of her writings test results and the teacher’s comments .
A. 错误
B. 正确
15. Apart from verbal devices the teacher’s body language plays important roles in linking the activities too which can be called nonverbal behavior.
A. 错误
B. 正确
16. The contents of the structural syllabus are organized around grammatical and phonological structures.
A. 错误
B. 正确
17. The syllabus may also contain a time schedule dividing the contents of the course into segmented teaching hours months or terms.
A. 错误
B. 正确
18. Reflection fosters action learning because it is ‘a process which adds structure to our experience by giving a set of time of reflection’ (McGill and Beaty 1992 29).
A. 错误
B. 正确
19. Learners should not live with uncertainty although they should try to work things out by thinking sharing with others or with the help of resources.
A. 错误
B. 正确
20. A good pronunciation means correct saying with good intonation.
A. 错误
B. 正确
1. The principle underlying and means to teacher development is______ .
A. instruction
B. reflection
C. ability
D. skills
标准资料: 满分:3
2. Of task syllabus______serve as the basis for organizationsequenced by some sense of chronology or usefulness of notions
A. aims
B. structures
C. functions
D. tasks
标准资料: 满分:3
3. A teacher can attract students immediately with his or her good English. When admiration is established students tend to believe in the teacher with the teacher and behave well in class activities.
A. sing
B. cooperate
C. believe
D. cooperation
标准资料: 满分:3
4. ______are designed to measure learners’ general level of language mastery.
A. Proficiency tests
B. Achievement tests
C. Diagnostic tests
D. Placement tests
标准资料: 满分:3
5. When we talk about open syllables and closed syllables “_____” is a key word.
A. letter
B. vowels
C. consonants
D. sound
标准资料: 满分:3
6. According to the Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching Method the instructional materials are oriented and contains dialogues can be used needed for drills and exercises.
A. student
B. teacher
C. book
D. experience
标准资料: 满分:3
7. Fluency is a general term for good speaking _____
A. accuracy
B. appropriacy
C. aesthetics
D. ability
标准资料: 满分:3
8. Conceptual categories called notions are the______of organization sequenced by some sense of chronology or usefulness of each notion.
A. aim
B. plan
C. basis
D. principles
标准资料: 满分:3
9. In language learning learners need to do______ learning.
A. selfdiscover
B. selfdiscovered
C. selfdiscovery
D. reflective
标准资料: 满分:3
10. ___is designed to give information used to measure the candidate.
A. Criterionreferenced testing
B. Normreferenced testing
C. Discrete point testing
D. Integrative testing
标准资料: 满分:3
2 多选题
1. The active process of reflection is characterized by____ . This process accompanies and leads our actions toward a level of higher quality.
A. awarenessraising
B. means/ends analysis
C. conceptualizing generalization
D. knowledge acquirement
标准资料: 满分:3
2. According to Skehan comprehension depends on the following main sources of knowledge
A. Schematic knowledge
B. Contextual knowledge
C. procedural knowledge
D. Systemic knowledge
标准资料: 满分:3
3. The grouping our mind among our intuitive feelings and experiences about people is a process of theorizing our____.
A. attitudes
B. hobbies
C. beliefs
D. experiences.
标准资料: 满分:3
4. According to Penny Ur process items of a syllabus are about ____
A. plans
B. ideas
C. tasks
D. methods
标准资料: 满分:3
5. With respect to native speaker’s fluency Schmidt (1992) summarizes Fillmore’s ideas and points out the following ____items for us to identify different levels of fluency.
A. timefilling
B. quality of speech
C. appropriacy of speech
D. aesthetic capability
标准资料: 满分:3
6. A good language teacher should possess )( ) broad qualities.
A. a good language user
B. an effective language analyst
C. a skillful means employer
D. an enabler
标准资料: 满分:3
7. Teaching wiring is not an easy job. There are many issues in the process of writing improvements which need to be discussed. The issues include____.
A. errors knowledge and skills
B. ideas organization and style
C. motivation and discipline workload
D. testing
标准资料: 满分:3
8. ____ decides whether you can conduct your teaching effectively and whether you can deal with unexpected events successfully.
A. Fluent English
B. Proper gestures
C. Lesson Planning
D. Classroom management
标准资料: 满分:3
9. According to Carr Kemmis Hatton and Smith’s investigations reflection has three main dimensions. They are____ .
A. technical reflection
B. practical reflection
C. critical reflection
D. spiritual reflection
标准资料: 满分:3
10. Vocabulary meanings can also be understood in terms of _____ (Ur 1996).
A. denotation
B. connotation
C. contextual meaning
D. meaning relationship
标准资料: 满分:3
3 判断题
1. The potential for improving listening ability is students’ autonomous listening after class.
A. 错误
B. 正确
2. In pair work the teacher divides the class into small groups to work together (usually four or five students in each group).
A. 错误
B. 正确
3. Teachers should build up learners’ awareness of genre writing.
A. 错误
B. 正确
4. If the teacher presents vocabulary item by telling stories or working on the sentence in which words occur for students to understand and learn then the teacher uses the method of “Using realia”.
A. 错误
B. 正确
5. Ignoring reading for meaning can speed up reading speed and improve understanding.
A. 错误
B. 正确
6. Testing and teaching could support each other and also could be in conflict with each other.
A. 错误
B. 正确
7. With the Direct Method teachers use demonstration objects and pictures to teach abstract vocabulary.
A. 错误
B. 正确
8. That grammar teaching is inductive is in the view of the Direct Method.
A. 错误
B. 正确
9. The word “go” contains an open syllable.
A. 错误
B. 正确
10. If the teachers correct too much students’ errors some of the mistakes can be fossilized.
A. 错误
B. 正确
11. Closure of lesson plan is usually about assignments
A. 错误
B. 正确
12. Validity refers to “the degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure or can be used successfully for purpose for which it is intended. (Richards Platte and Platt 2000 497).
A. 错误
B. 正确
13. Voiceless sounds are the ones produced when the vocal sounds do not vibrate.
A. 错误
B. 正确
14. According to the Communicative Language Teaching theory activities that involve real communication and carry out meaningful tasks promote learning.
A. 错误
B. 正确
15. Factual and social and cultural information is helpful in listening comprehension.
A. 错误
B. 正确
16. The stressed syllable means that the vowel sound in the syllable is said louder and longer than other vowel sounds in the same word.
A. 错误
B. 正确
17. We should try to understand every word in the text so that we can better understand the reading rather than tolerating ambiguity.
A. 错误
B. 正确
18. The repertory grid technique can be a powerful deductive tool used to facilitate reflection in the sense that it generates a list of personal constructs.
A. 错误
B. 正确
19. The purpose of diagnostic tests is to find out problems and decide what to teach and how to teach next.
A. 错误
B. 正确
20. Total Physical Response (TPR) is developed by James Asher who advocates the coordination of speech and action.
A. 错误
B. 正确
1. The essence of personal growth is to develop______of oneself by comprehending one’s past potentialities of one’s future and one’s place in the present environment (Burns 1979).
A. abilities
B. perceptions
C. recognition
D. knowledge
标准资料: 满分:3
2. Levelt (1989) comments that is a human beings’ most complex skill.
A. speaking
B. listening
C. smelling
D. feeling
标准资料: 满分:3
3. ____ is done to require candidates or students to perform precisely what test writers or teachers wish to measure.
A. Direct testing
B. Indirect testing
C. Discrete point testing
D. Integrative testing
标准资料: 满分:3
4. In an/a ______syllable the vowel letter is usually pronounced with the sound of the letter name
A. open
B. stressed
C. closed
D. less stressed
标准资料: 满分:3
5. There are ____types of informal plans.
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. six
标准资料: 满分:3
6. Richards (1971) provides three reasons why learners make mistakes (1) ______errors (2)______errors and (3)______errors.
A. generalization linguistic develop
B. interference intralingual developmental
C. word order intransitive development
D. spelling intransigent developer
标准资料: 满分:3
7. The importance of being a good language user involves four points. Second a good command of English endows a teacher with spelling intransigent developer ______
A. confidence
B. happiness
C. confident
D. sadness
标准资料: 满分:3
8. In order to accomplish the shared goals team members should have______qualities.
A. cooperate
B. cooperative
C. cooperation
D. cooperator
标准资料: 满分:3
9. The ____ essence of reflection refers to the spirit of democracy and freedom of the human rights which exists in people’s critical thinking.
A. personal
B. developmental
C. political
D. social
标准资料: 满分:3
10. Engaging learners in _____interaction in the second or foreign language classroom is essential and involves the processes of both acquiring and conscious studying.
A. meaning
B. meaningful
C. mean
D. means
标准资料: 满分:3
2 多选题
1. For the ways of listening there are two kinds of processes _____.
A. topup
B. topdown
C. bottomup
D. bottomdown
标准资料: 满分:3
2. There are two kinds of speaking activities .
A. factual information exchange
B. speaking aloud
C. listening intensively
D. personal idea exchange
标准资料: 满分:3
3. The contents of the textbook of the knowledge type are mostly____.
A. literature works
B. subjective opinions
C. human emotions
D. topics
标准资料: 满分:3
4. From a psychological perspective Levelt explores several components that exist in a person’s speaking. They are______
A. conceptualizing
B. formulating
C. articulating
D. consisting speechcomprehension system making ‘selfproduced internal and overt speech available to the conceptual system’
标准资料: 满分:3
5. The importance of lesson planning are ____
A. for teachers a lesson plan can provide a framework or an overall shape.
B. planning allows teachers to think about the lesson
C. a plan helps to remind the teacher of what to do next in class.
D. a formal plan helps teachers to become professional
标准资料: 满分:3
6. ______decides whether you can conduct your teaching effectively and whether you can deal with unexpected events successfully.
A. Fluent English
B. Proper gestures
C. Lesson Planning
D. Classroom management
标准资料: 满分:3
7. Reading is a means of input. Teachers should make sure that students do a lot of reading in terms of _____ .
A. skills
B. amount
C. grading
D. variety.
标准资料: 满分:3
8. The development and decline of the two paradigms____ represent the rise of reflection.
A. the theoretical paradigm
B. the mechanistic paradigm
C. the authoritative paradigm
D. the technical paradigm
标准资料: 满分:3
9. There are different types of lesson planning according to its nature and styles
A. Mental and written
B. Formal and informal
C. Personal and professional
D. Shortterm plan and longterm plan
标准资料: 满分:3
10. When lesson plan are as an assignment its components include ______
A. a cover description of the course
B. description of the class recent work
C. objectives procedures
D. evaluation.
标准资料: 满分:3
3 判断题
1. Teacher development means not only changing teachers’ behavior but also changing the person the teacher is (Hargreaves and Fullan 1992)
A. 错误
B. 正确
2. Quizzes week quiz and monthly tests are achievement tests.
A. 错误
B. 正确
3. Instructional materials are resources for teachers and students to use in achieving course aims and objectives.
A. 错误
B. 正确
4. Explicit knowledge is the L2 knowledge of which a learner is aware and can verbalize on request.
A. 错误
B. 正确
5. Real life listening and classroom listening involves the communication of only two parties .
A. 错误
B. 正确
6. According to the Communicative Language Teaching theory activities that involve real communication and carry out meaningful tasks promote learning.
A. 错误
B. 正确
7. How teachers deal with students’ mistakes and errors is very important for individual learners.
A. 错误
B. 正确
8. Students who do not start writing from understanding instructions but hasten to come to the next stage will write an excellent article.
A. 错误
B. 正确
9. If teachers use reading mainly for grammar studies then reading comprehension ability is being ignored.
A. 错误
B. 正确
10. The purpose of reading for meaning is to get messages.
A. 错误
B. 正确
11. In linguistics cohesiveness means grammatical and/or lexical relationships between two elements in the discourse (Halliday and Hasan 1976).
A. 错误
B. 正确
12. There are no voiceless consonant sounds.
A. 错误
B. 正确
13. The syllabus can be characterized with its private nature.
A. 错误
B. 正确
14. Thinking reading as recognition of written cannot limit efficiency in teaching reading.
A. 错误
B. 正确
15. For beginners word recognition is necessary and helpful. But for intermediate and advanced learners reading is more than decoding.
A. 错误
B. 正确
16. The nature of practical reflection refers to decisionmaking about immediate behaviors or skills.
A. 错误
B. 正确
17. Global check means correct mistakes local means giving a score.
A. 错误
B. 正确
18. In linguisticscohesiveness means grammatical and/or lexical relationships between two elements in the discourse (Halliday and Hasan 1976).
A. 错误
B. 正确
19. A mental plan can be hard work or a little work and can reveal clearly whether the teacher devotes his/her time to plan writing..
A. 错误
B. 正确
20. Notes of condolence belong to social writing.
A. 错误
B. 正确
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